How can I help you?

Together we can work to uncover the route of the habit or addiction and introduce ways for you to change it. The process involves you developing new understanding, so that you can regain control of those unhelpful patterns of behaviour. You will also learn and develop new, more constructive coping mechanisms during trigger situations. Assisi Therapy in Salisbury offers you a broad range of approaches to tackle problem habits through the techniques of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Counselling.

Unwanted Habits

Addictive behaviour / addictions

Something you do without thinking about it is a habit and everyone has habits. Because you aren’t thinking about doing it, it is an automatic phenomenon but that doesn’t mean you can’t change it.

The line between habit and addiction is not clear. If you have behaviours that you think about and cannot control then you are moving toward addiction. Addiction overwhelms everything else in your life, dominates your routine and personal experience and is hard to control. If you stop the activity in question, may experience physical withdrawal. The reasons behind an addiction can sometimes be unclear. They may be a combination of behavioural factors (including genetics, background and personality) and chemical factors (some substances trigger the release of dopamine and endorphins in our body which give a feeling of pleasure). It is this combination of your natural chemicals and the knowledge of the impending high, that can be so powerful.

The most common addictive substances are:

  • caffeine

  • nicotine

  • alcohol

  • solvents

  • opioids (morphine or heroin)

  • cannabis

  • cocaine

The most common addictive activities are:

  • gambling

  • sexual activities

  • eating

  • extreme sports or behaviour

  • internet use (pornography, gambling & social networking)

The thing that all of these activities have in common is that they trigger the release of your brain’s pleasure chemical- Dopamine. As the addictive behaviour starts to dominate your life, it can lead to mood swings, loss of sleep, recurring illness and fluctuating weight. The addiction has effectively taken over who you were.

Day to day habits

It has been estimated that around 30% of children, and 15% of adults bite their nails. It is a destructive habit that statistically affects males more than females and increases the chance of infection.
Nail biting is symbolic of the sort of habit that can often be described as “irritating”, but can sometimes be symptomatic of deeper problems. You may pull at your hair, or find it hard to control your hands. Whilst some of these habits are just something you haven’t moved away from since childhood, in some people they can create a stigma or harm their self image. This type of habit can also stem from destructive approaches to life that people develop in childhood or after a trauma. You may be punishing yourself or believe that those close to you are on the verge of rejecting you.

Habits can often be harmless, but where they are not, it is important to know that a habit can be controlled.

What is Therapy & Counselling?

Many people have an idea of what therapy is like because they have seen it depicted on television or in films. You make have seen someone lying on a couch or talking to an “Expert Therapist” who nods knowingly. This can be a reality for some people, but the truth is that the only expert on how to be you, is you. Your therapy at Assisi Therapy in Salisbury can include Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy or Counselling and the only thing that influences the balance of these approaches, is what is best for you.