Who are you listening to?

There are a lot of words that we hear on a daily basis. Some of these words feed our view of what is going on in the world and some of them can influence our understanding of ourselves.

Your mind is constantly trying to understand how you fit in to your environment. It is doing this to be helpful, to keep you safe and avoid potential threats. Sometimes though, it can adopt someone else’s experience to frame your own version of reality. For example, watching reality TV can often bring about feelings and emotions that mirror the experience of the people in the show. Looking at it another way, how many times have you worked with a group of negative people and left the experience feeling positive? We are programmed to absorb the experiences of people around us, whether we are in the room with them or watching them on a screen.

So, this is where those words come in. Taking time to sit with a professional therapist where you both listen to your experience, can be an effective way to work through your problems and avoid soaking up other people’s stress and anxiety. Afterall, the world can seem overwhelmingly negative at times. Using your own words and imagery to create a clearer version of your life is central to the type of therapy practised at Assisi Therapy, whether that is online or at the Assisi Therapy room in Salisbury.

Making time to listen, feel and understand your lived experience can be a challenge. Whether you choose a form of therapy that can be conducted in person or online, it is important to create a space where you can literally hear yourself. Where you are not distracted by family, friends or the online world. Once you have allowed yourself to inhabit that space, you can begin the work of understanding your own reality and how you can create a positive perspective.

So, the fact that you are here tells you that you have decided to get help. Perhaps this is for something personal to you or maybe to understand how you relate to events happening around you. In so many ways Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Counselling can offer a path out of negativity towards a life you are in control of.


Psychotherapy, Counselling & Inspiration


What is present attention?